COVID-19 When do we rebel?

Steve takes a Boldie review of the current lockdown and asks himself a question that may be in many of our minds

Published by Steve Foreman on Apr 08, 2020

At the time of writing the UK is well into its third week of lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and there doesn’t appear to be an end in sight, apart from a little green shoot.  On top of all that, our Prime Minister is in intensive care.

Then, reading the front page of The Guardian newspaper this week, it is said that the UK may have the highest death rate from COVID-19 in the whole of Europe. There appears to be a constant stream of bad news everywhere you look.

In the meantime, we sit at home and only allowed to leave for specific reasons. If you are over 70 then you are pretty much staying at home for 12 weeks. The government has been very clear on its guidance and the police are, rightly, enforcing the rules.

However, temperatures are rising, and the sun is making an appearance. Does it matter if we squeeze in an extra walk or go to the park to enjoy this weather, especially if we have no outdoor space at home? I have heard comments such as, who is the government to tell us what to do? My dog needs two walks a day! I need to work, or I’ll have no money! Isn’t this all too much Big Brother and aren’t we all adults anyway, able to make our own decisions based on the risk factors we have been made aware of? After all many Boldies made it through the war, we can survive COVID-19. Or can we?

All these comments are understandable, we don’t know when life will return to normal. Many people do not know when they will be able to return to work or even if they will have a job to return to. As the lockdown continues, people are starting to get frustrated. How long are we expected to live under these restrictions?

The reality is nobody knows. Life can feel a bit surreal, this pandemic is affecting other people in other places, not me, not here. But that suddenly changes when you hear that someone you know, your friend, your family member has passed away due to COVID-19.  Suddenly the world feels very different, the risks are very real, and you look at the restrictions in a very different
light. It’s no longer something you hear about on the news every day; it’s having a direct impact on you and those you know and love. That extra walk or trip to the park, they suddenly do not seem to be so important. In fact, they seem downright irresponsible.

So, when do Boldies rebel? We don’t. We follow the government guidelines and accept that life is far from perfect at the moment, but it won’t go on forever. This is not only for the greater good, but to protect those we know and love. So now is the time to find a hobby, learn a new skill, get on with those jobs you have been putting off forever and most importantly Stay At Home! Protect The NHS And Save Lives.

Now is most definitely NOT the time to be a rebel.